Corporate Support

Join Shoal Creek Conservancy in an opportunity to steward and explore Shoal Creek. Companies can make an impact through a variety of sponsorship programs and events.
Sponsorship Opportunities:

Engage your teams with a Custom Workday. SCC partners with companies who want to improve Shoal Creek and inspire their staff through interactive workdays along the Creek. SCC Staff will coordinate a volunteer project for your team where and when it is most convenient for you. We provide the tools and guidance, and your team gets to experience Shoal Creek in a new way while giving back to the community. ($5,000 Sponsorship for up to 75 employees. Groups of over 75 attendees can be accommodated by a Custom Workday Plus Sponsorship, $10,000)
Submit a Custom Workday interest form
BOOK NOW FOR EARTH WEEK! Limited Custom Workdays available April 14-27, 2025.

The Waterwise Landscapes Tour will guide attendees through yards and public green spaces in the Shoal Creek Watershed that have been designed to improve water quality or conserve water. Featured properties will showcase ways that land can slow, capture, store and filter rainwater to reduce erosion, reuse water, remove pollutants, and add beauty and biodiversity to an urban watershed. ($1,000 – $10,000 Presenting Sponsorship)

In 2022, a City of Austin field study found over 500 shopping carts in Austin’s creeks, which prompted Shoal Creek Conservancy to organize the first Shopping Cart Corral in Summer 2023. In 2 hours, we removed 48 shopping carts, 6 scooters, and 111 bags of trash from Shoal Creek during the inaugural event. And, we did it again in 2024!
Join the adventure and sponsor this annual event – the next one being held July 2025. Sponsors will be promoted alongside this event in media coverage, the SCC website, social media, and event materials. The 2023 & 2024 events were featured in local news stories on KXAN, KVUE and others. The Presenting Sponsor will also be featured in a KUT/KUTX ad. ($1,000 -$10,000 Presenting Sponsorship)

SCC hosts an intern each spring and fall to provide hands-on experience with leading volunteer workdays, creating educational materials, and conducting special projects. Support an intern at $5,000 for one semester (1 intern) or $10,000 for a full school year (2 interns).
Sponsorship Benefits May Include
- Brand visibility through SCC website, social media and tailored media campaigns
- Employee engagement opportunities
- Exclusive access to host in-person promotional activities on the Shoal Creek Trail
- Invitations to private SCC networking events for company executives and employees
Contact Us
To learn more about sponsorship opportunities, please contact [email protected].