Second Year Goals Announced
December 3, 2014 | By Shoal Creek Conservancy
October 1, 2014 marked the beginning of Shoal Creek Conservancy’s 2nd year. Thank you to all of our members and supporters that make our work possible! As we begin the new year, we are excited to share with the community the Conservancy’s goals for its second year.
Shoal Creek Conservancy Second Year Goals
October 2014 – September 2015
The Conservancy will pursue the following priority goals as part of our longer-term watershed, trail, park and open space planning work with the City of Austin:
1. Shoal Creek Watershed Action Plan – Partner with the City’s Watershed Protection Department to define components, secure funding, and initiate development of the Plan.

2. West 6th Street Bridge Restoration Project – Secure funding and initiate the evaluation and design phases of the restoration project.

3. Public Events – Host an average of one well-attended public event per month to activate the creek as well as to engage and educate the community.

4. Volunteer Workdays – Host an average of one successful monthly volunteer workday to improve the trail and creek as measured by number of volunteers involved, trash bags collected, and on-the-ground projects implemented.

5. Lighting the Trail – Partner with the City to install lighting under the bridges and along the trail where appropriate from Lady Bird Lake to the south entrance of Pease Park.
6. Duncan Park Improvements – Support the City’s development of a community-supported plan and secure funds for park enhancements, such as a wildflower/wetland meadow.

7. Bamboo Removal and Restoration Project – Complete the restoration phase of the project and secure neighborhood support for implementation of the monitoring and maintenance phase.

8. Special Programs & Projects – Pursue special programs and projects as opportunities arise and funding available, such as partnering to improve private creek maintenance agreements.
And a couple of important final words…
The Conservancy’s work would not be possible without the support of our community. Thank you! If you have not already, we invite you to directly support these programs and projects in 2015 by becoming a member or making a gift to the Conservancy.
And we welcome your feedback on these goals. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, comments or ideas.