Jun 13

Water Conservation Tips

The official start of summer is approaching and the higher temperatures are already upon us. Since the Austin area remains in a Stage 2 Drought, we are sharing a few tips to help you keep your plants alive and protect…Read More

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Oct 12

Rain Gardens for a Cleaner Shoal Creek

Did you know that rain gardens can filter out up to 90% of the pollutants carried along in stormwater runoff? Rain gardens are low-lying, bowl-shaped gardens designed to catch, absorb, and filter stormwater runoff – and they do valuable work in urban areas like Austin.

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Nov 21

Creating A Resilient Shoal Creek

At this time of the year, we reflect back on a (very) long, dry summer interrupted by a record-breaking flood on Shoal Creek. Times of drought and heavy rainfall each take their toll on our natural spaces. That’s why Shoal…Read More

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Jul 15

Ecological Restoration at Seiders Springs

Below a large parking lot and above Shoal Creek’s eastern bank, water spills from a steep limestone bluff and flows overland into the creek. Native elbowbush cascades down the cliff face near the springs, and large live oak and pecan…Read More

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Apr 19

The Notorious RBZs

Wild and woolly, lush and green, riparian buffer zones are the vegetated areas along the banks of a creek or river. Specialized assemblages of riparian trees, shrubs, vines, sedges, rushes, grasses, forbs, and ferns grow here, and together the work…Read More

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