Dec 07

The Hummer in Winter

Austin doesn’t do winter well. A blue norther whipped through Austin this weekend; we are faced with our first serious freeze of the winter. My tender plants are protected in a little plastic tent that I fashioned. But, the rufous hummingbird that frequents my yard has no such protection. He is at the mercy of the weather. But, there are a few things we can do with our feeders to help.

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Dec 02

Rufous Returns

The bird weighs less than a grape, has a brain smaller than a pea, and flies thousands of miles each year between the place it nests and where it chooses to winter. The bird has returned to winter in my yard on Shoal Creek, precisely where it stayed last year. I know about bird migration, and I am aware of the staggering distances they are capable of traveling. But how do we explain one of the smallest birds flying such long distances?

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Nov 04

Autumn Blooms and Butterflies

The autumn rains came after a summer of drought, and many of our native plants have responded. Engelmann sunflower, sawtooth sunflower,  and Texas aster are erupting into their late fall glory. With flowers come butterflies, only accentuating the colorful palette that tints Austin this year.

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Oct 16

Shoaling in Shoal Creek

Shoal Creek is well named. There are shoals within the stream bed its entire length. The shoals restrict the water flow and force the creek into a narrow channel. Obstructions and constrictions may be found the entire length of Shoal Creek. Not all of these are detrimental. Implementing the best stormwater management practices is key for healthy detention and retention.

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