Jun 20

New Shoal Creek Floodplain Mapping Available

Curious to see if your house or business is in Shoal Creek’s 100-year storm floodplain? In the wake of the 2015 Memorial Day Floods, the floodplain map for Shoal Creek has been updated and can be viewed at the City’s…Read More

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Jan 25

Is Too Much Water Going Down the Drain?

After last year’s historic drought resulting in extremely low lake levels, when the rains do come, often as flood events, can Austin not only manage the storm water, but possibly save it?

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Dec 31

Ducks in the Desert

Shoal Creek is a waterfowl wasteland. The creek is too narrow and the water is either nonexistent or too shallow. Wood ducks do nest in the cavities in old trees along the creek, but otherwise Shoal Creek is a duck desert. But, you can still see ducks in or near Shoal Creek, you just need visit the headwaters or its mouth.

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Oct 01

Vegetative Trash Trap Forms at the Mouth of Shoal Creek

The city traps trash at the mouth of Shoal Creek, in theory, to keep it out of Lady Bird Lake and in a spot where it is easier to collect. But a native aquatic plant, recently established in the area, is doing most of the work for the city, for better or for worse.

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Aug 24

Butterfly Magnets

Butterflies add a splash of animated color to our lives in ways that birds and other insects can’t. They are easily approached and studied. And, with a little effort, butterflies can be attracted to our yards for both our enjoyment and the betterment of the ecosystem.

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