Apr 25

The Most Important Place on Earth (even if just passing through)

Bird migration is underway; in fact, the next three weeks are the absolute peak of the spring flights. Shoal Creek may be important to a particular bird only for an hour or two each year. A migrant warbler, for example, only may need to stop and rest for the briefest moment before continuing on their migratory way. Yet, for that briefest of moments, Shoal Creek is the most important place on earth.

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Apr 09

A Winter’s Tail

Shoal Creek’s gifts are not episodic or ephemeral. Shoal Creek benefits Austin day after day, year after year. Shoal Creek’s repairs, therefore, must be as resilient and long lasting as the benefits we demand from the creek.

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Mar 13

Early Spring Along Shoal Creek

We are between seasons. We have arrived at that time of year when we miss complaining about the heat. Winter’s done; spring’s brief appearance has been announced.

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Feb 22

Up the Creek

Members of the Shoal Creek Conservancy board of directors, along with an assortment of friends, toured the upper reaches of Shoal Creek in February. We devoted most of our time to gauging the condition of the creek at various crossings and access points in this northern segment.

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Feb 02

No Quack, No Waddle, No Duck

If a bird waddles like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck, right? Not every bird paddling around Lady Bird Lake or Shoal Creek quacks or waddles, though. If a waterbird isn’t a duck, what is it?

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