Construction Progress on 6th Street Bridge Projects
July 11, 2024 | By Shoal Creek Conservancy
Shoal Creek Conservancy is excited to announce the beginning of construction on two important projects in the downtown segment of the Shoal Creek Trail.
Starting in 2016, Shoal Creek Conservancy commissioned a study of the historic West Sixth Street Bridge. This study identified necessary emergency repairs to the bridge, which were conducted at that time, as well as designs for pedestrian improvements on and under the bridge.
In 2017, Shoal Creek Conservancy partnered with the City of Austin’s Transportation and Public Works Department through the Neighborhood Partnering Program to jointly fund these improvements to the bridge.
The latest of these improvements will break ground the week of 7/15/2024, and includes installation of lights in the west vault of the bridge over the trail and installation of a masonry parapet along the north sidewalk on the bridge with lighting to illuminate the sidewalk for pedestrians. This project will not only increase the safety of the sidewalk and trail at night but also highlight the masonry of an iconic Austin bridge.

In the same area, two aging segments of retaining wall along the Shoal Creek Trail are currently being replaced. The walls are located just south of W 6th Street and just north of W 5th Street along the trail. The Austin Parks and Recreation Department hired a contractor to begin work on these retaining walls, starting the week of 7/8/2024. These retaining walls have been dilapidated for many years and have posed a concern to the safety of the trail and trail users and to the health of the creek bank. By replacing these substandard wooden retaining walls with concrete blocks, the city has improved the future safety for trail users and the creek bank’s ability to withstand future flooding events.

Construction of these two projects began on 7/9/2024 and will conclude around mid-September, and will involve temporary closures of the Shoal Creek Trail. While the trail is closed, southbound trail users can exit the trail at Duncan Park/9th Street and follow 9th Street eastward to West Avenue, then take West Avenue south to the Shoal Creek bridge crossing near 4th Street where you can reconnect with the trail. Northbound trail users can exit the Shoal Creek Trail at 4th Street (ADA accessible route) or at the 5th Street bridge stairs.
Early August Update
The City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department has completed the much needed replacement of the previously dilapidated retaining walls near W 5th and W 6th Streets. Construction continues at the Sixth Street Bridge as outlined above, but the trail is currently open for access between 5th-6th Streets.

Early September Update
The masonry parapet construction along the north side of the bridge is now complete. The masonry work matches the south side of the bridge and further rehabilitates the character of this iconic structure.

October Update
Work continues on installing trail lighting beneath the bridge.