Feb 17

Shoal Creek Landslide Update

Shoal Creek Conservancy calls for a comprehensive solution to slope stabilization, trail obstruction, to restore access to parkland at Shoal Creek landslide site Date: February 17, 2020 Contact: Ivey Kaiser, SCC Executive Director,  512-474-2412, [email protected] Summary: Shoal Creek Conservancy urges…Read More

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Jan 21

2019 at a Glance

All of us at Shoal Creek Conservancy want to thank you for your continued support of the Shoal Creek trail, creek, and watershed!

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Nov 07

#Stewards4Shoal: Shoal Creek Springs

People have relied on springs for thousands of years. Historically, populations built entire communities around perennial springs as these sources of water were dependable and plentiful. They are also hotspots for plant and animal biodiversity. But, the springs within the…Read More

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Oct 24

Understanding Shoal Creek

What are the major challenges facing the Shoal Creek watershed? The highly urban character of the Shoal Creek Watershed presents special challenges and requires a multifaceted approach to addressing water-related issues. Increases in population density and the amount of impervious…Read More

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Sep 10

SCC Fall 2019 Events: We can’t wait to see you on the trail!

This fall you can expect to see Shoal Creek Conservancy on the trail each month hosting volunteer workdays and educational tours that cover topics like birding, human impact on the creek, and tree identification. As a SCC volunteer this fall, you will increase trail safety and accessibility…Read More

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