Community Highlight: Deep Roots Garden
July 21, 2014 | By Shoal Creek Conservancy
There’s lots going on at the Whole Foods Market Deep Roots Garden on Shoal Creek trail. The Garden Gnomes have transformed a formerly vacant lot along the creek into a thriving community garden located just south of the 9th Street bridge at Shoal Creek. We encourage you to stop by and take a look if you haven’t already. Even better, come to the next community happy hour on July 23.
Thanks, Whole Foods Market, for creating this beautiful community space and for supporting the Shoal Creek Conservancy during its first year!
Read on to learn more about the garden as well as get details about the happy hour and a garden update. You can also join us in following the garden on Facebook.

About the Garden
The Deep Roots Garden is a Community Garden project of Whole Foods Market. The garden is located on Henderson St. on the banks of Shoal Creek. The Mission: To create a vital, visible space in the community that is a true collaborative effort between Whole Foods Market Headquarters, the Austin stores, Whole Kids Foundation and the community. The Vision: A beautiful food and herb garden where volunteer Team Members work side-by-side with local non-profit partners, neighborhood residents, to create both a production and teaching garden on the banks of Shoal Creek.

Community Happy Hour!
Whole Foods Market invites the Shoal Creek community to a happy hour at the Deep Roots Garden, located on the Shoal Creek trail just south of 9th Street at 717 Henderson St., Wednesday, July 23rd! Enjoy part of your community while listening to live music by Danny Price and sipping on a free beer, courtesy of local provider Hops & Grain! They will be featuring “The One They Call Zoe,” their pale lager! Quantities are limited, so BYOB is welcome.
Update from the Garden Gnomes
Garden Wi-Fi
Garden wi-fi was successfully installed at the garden just recently. Feel free to connect to the SSID: WholeFoodsMarket. It behaves exactly like the free wi-fi in all WFM stores.
Whole Foods Market just signed a one year contract with SunTerra Landscapes to maintain the common areas of the garden (read: everything but the garden plots). The first deep clean will occur shortly. Then, starting August 1 they will complete regular maintenance every 2 weeks.
New Succulent Bed Installed
Gardening buddies from IBM recently installed a beautiful succulent bed in the northwest corner of the garden. Next time you’re behind an IBMer in the lunch line, give them a thanks!
Hope to see you at the garden!