Oct 01

Flood Mitigation Task Force Convenes

The Flood Mitigation Task Force held their kickoff meeting Tuesday, September 22, 2015. The Task Force is the citizen group created by the Austin City Council after this year’s Memorial Day Floods to gather information and develop recommendations related to citywide…Read More

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Jan 25

Is Too Much Water Going Down the Drain?

After last year’s historic drought resulting in extremely low lake levels, when the rains do come, often as flood events, can Austin not only manage the storm water, but possibly save it?

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Feb 22

Up the Creek

Members of the Shoal Creek Conservancy board of directors, along with an assortment of friends, toured the upper reaches of Shoal Creek in February. We devoted most of our time to gauging the condition of the creek at various crossings and access points in this northern segment.

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Oct 16

Shoaling in Shoal Creek

Shoal Creek is well named. There are shoals within the stream bed its entire length. The shoals restrict the water flow and force the creek into a narrow channel. Obstructions and constrictions may be found the entire length of Shoal Creek. Not all of these are detrimental. Implementing the best stormwater management practices is key for healthy detention and retention.

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