Jan 19

Explore SCC’s Volunteer Events Dashboard

Since 2013 Shoal Creek Conservancy has relied on the passion, creativity and dedication of its volunteers in many ways. Our new Volunteer Events Dashboard illustrates SCC volunteers’ hard work and accomplishments in recent years during cleanups, riparian restoration workdays, rain…Read More

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Jul 31

Shoal Creek Shopping Cart Corral 2023 Recap

Inspired by the Austin Watershed Protection Department’s Trash in Creeks field study that found over 500 shopping carts throughout Austin’s creeks in early 2022, Shoal Creek Conservancy, the Watershed Protection Department (WPD), and Austin Resource Recovery (ARR) held the inaugural Shoal…Read More

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May 15

An Update to Our Community About New Development At Seiders Springs

Many Shoal Creek Trail users know and love Seiders Springs, located on the east bank of Shoal Creek between 34th and 38th Streets. We are writing to share an update on the future of Seiders Springs. We are concerned that the…Read More

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Aug 26

Aftermath of the August 2022 Shoal Creek Flood

On Monday, August 22, 2022, a record-breaking downpour dropping nearly five inches of rain in three hours caused Shoal Creek to flood, reaching its highest level since 2015. Numerous photos, videos, and news stories have documented the incredible surge of…Read More

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Jul 15

Ecological Restoration at Seiders Springs

Below a large parking lot and above Shoal Creek’s eastern bank, water spills from a steep limestone bluff and flows overland into the creek. Native elbowbush cascades down the cliff face near the springs, and large live oak and pecan…Read More

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