Trail Accomplishments and Next Priorities
November 22, 2021 | By Shoal Creek Conservancy

It’s a special pleasure to see the seasons changing, and there’s no better place to do it in Austin than Shoal Creek. Summer rains have nourished the creek’s wild greenery bringing a sense of growth, excitement, and abundance. The season of seeking creekside shade and lazy afternoons is turning to the season of biking and hiking and cool breezes.
Our goal is for the Shoal Creek Trail to welcome all people in all seasons, for journeys short and long. We bring together those who live, work, and play along Shoal Creek to make a positive impact on the place they love.
So, we’re turning our attention to bridging trail gaps, adding amenities that make the trail more useable, and making connections that will help the Shoal Creek Trail become part of a true network.
Our focus is always guided by the Shoal Creek Trail Plan, a vision for the future of the Shoal Creek Trail shaped by the active participation of 100+ community stakeholder groups. The Trail Plan envisions a seamless series of hike and bike trails throughout the 11-mile Shoal Creek corridor that connects to other urban trails and is safe and comfortable for people of all ages and abilities.
The Trail Plan outlined dozens of improvement projects. Here’s a snapshot of what’s been accomplished since 2019:
- 5.5-mile protected bikeway along Shoal Creek Boulevard from 38th Street to Highway 183
- Safer crossings for trail users at 38th Street, 45th Street, Hancock Drive, Foster Lane, and more
- New rain gardens along the Shoal Creek Boulevard bikeway
- Structural repairs to the trail between 5th-6th Streets
- Pilot trail connection at the trail gap between 31st-34th Streets
- Concept designs to improve the Shoal Creek Trail and neighboring public places in the area around 3rd Street and Shoal Creek
While we celebrate these wins, we continue to push forward on the other Shoal Creek Trail Plan goals, and we need your support to keep up this momentum and help us advance the next set of priority improvements:
These improvements will create a SAFER, MORE ACCESSIBLE, AND MORE CONNECTED trail system to inspire Austinites from all over our city to utilize the Shoal Creek Trail to rest, recreate, and recharge.
Shoal Creek Conservancy relies on the community’s continued support to forge ahead with these goals. Make a donation today, and be part of the changes coming to the Shoal Creek Trail!