Trail Closure: South of Shoal Creek Boulevard at Lamar
May 7, 2018 | By Shoal Creek Conservancy
Updated: July 12, 2018
The Shoal Creek Trail is closed from Shoal Creek Boulevard (2631 Shoal Creek Boulevard) to 24th Street due to a massive slope failure and resulting trail damage. Please use Lamar Boulevard sidewalk as a detour. The area is not safe for use by pedestrians or cyclists.

Construction to repair the slope failure and landslide damage along Shoal Creek may begin as early as July 16th. The City of Austin is holding a public meeting on July 19th to discuss construction project goals and answer questions from the community. Visit here for more information on the meeting.
Interested in learning more about the cause of the landslide and the City’s response? Please download the May 7, 2018 memorandum regarding the slope failure from the City of Austin Departments of Watershed Protection and Parks & Recreation to Mayor and City Council. You can also download the more recent May 18, 2018 memorandum as well as a diagram of the slope failure and an image of landslide stabilization methods.
Media Coverage
Fox 7-“City crews assessing damage after Shoal Creek landslide.”
My Statesman-“Landslide along Shoal Creek leaves homeowners facing uncertainty.”
North Austin Patch-“Austin closes Shoal Creek Trail after storm damage.”
Statesman-“Shoal Creek Trail closed until further notice because of heavy flood damage.”
Spectrum News-“Aerial footage shows closeness of homes to storm-damaged Shoal Creek.”
Spectrum News-“Shoal Creek Trail closed after severe storm damage.”