Winners of the 2017 Shoal Creek Awards

April 3, 2017  | By Shoal Creek Conservancy

We are pleased to announce the winners of our 3rd Annual Shoal Creek Awards celebrating the individuals and groups who have made significant positive impacts within the Shoal Creek Watershed and beyond!


Winners of the 2017 Shoal Creek Awards

Bob Armstrong Award for Lifetime Achievement in Conservation – George Bristol

George Bristol has dedicated his life to advocacy for environmental conservation and we are pleased to recognize his distinguished career, service and accomplishments in Texas by presenting him with the 2017 Bob Armstrong Award for Lifetime Achievement in Conservation.

In his role as chairman of the Texas State Parks Advisory Committee, George led the charge for better statewide park funding and was the key advocate for the Texas Legislature’s tripling of parks appropriations in 2007. In 2015, the Legislature passed a bill approving dedication of all revenue generated by the sporting goods sales tax to Texas parks and historic sites and George was instrumental in the passage of this bill. He was also critical in the founding of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation and adding over 500,000 acres to Texas State Parks and Wildlife Management Areas. Join us in congratulating George Bristol and celebrating his great contributions to conservation in our state.

This award is named after Robert Landis “Bob” Armstrong, the 24th Texas Land Commissioner. Mr. Armstrong inspired this award because of his distinguished career devoted to public service. His environmental activism at the state and federal levels impacted millions, including his work in the creation of Big Bend Ranch State Park.


Keystone Award – Constructive Ventures

This year’s recipient of the Keystone Award is Constructive Ventures for their constant efforts to improve Shoal Creek and the surrounding trail. Since 1998, Constructive Ventures has dedicated proceeds from the sale of their properties to improvements along Shoal Creek. They donated a trail access easement, without which the construction of the Shoal Creek Trail between 5th Street and West Avenue would not have been possible. And, they are working with the City and with the Conservancy to enhance the trail amenities around the new Independent Condominium building, well beyond what is required by the City. The fruits of their contributions will have a lasting impact on Shoal Creek for years to come.


Volunteer of the Year Award – Kathy Marcus

The Volunteer of the Year Award recognizes a Shoal Creek community member who has gone above and beyond to provide a voice, vision, and leadership for protection and improvement to Shoal Creek. This year’s award is presented to Kathy Marcus for her work monitoring and reporting pollution in the downtown stretch of Shoal Creek. Kathy’s actions exemplify the kind of community guardianship over our natural resources that is key to protecting them for future generations. Thank you and congratulations!


People’s Choice Award Nominees

The People’s Choice Award recognizes a nonprofit or public agency program that has involved community volunteers and improved Shoal Creek. This year’s nominees include three organizations dedicated to making Shoal Creek a cleaner, safer and more beautiful place through their work.

  • Treefolks – for conducting tree planting and stewardship activities throughout the Shoal Creek watershed. Their efforts help to ensure that the urban forest flourishes within the Shoal Creek watershed and beyond.
  • Little Helping Hands – for hosting service activities for children and families along Shoal Creek. We’re thrilled they are engaging the youngest generation of naturalists, scientists, and park lovers!
  • Bat Conservation International – for helping to humanely evacuate the bats living under the West 6th Street Bridge so that critical structural repairs could take place. BCI has also shared their expertise by leading walking tours that highlight bat colonies along Shoal Creek.

Vote for your favorite and join us at the 2017 Shoal Creek Awards being held on May 23rd!