City Reviving Shoal Creek Tunnel Conversation
As the Statesman’s Marty Toohey reported yesterday, the City, in the wake of the Memorial Day floods, is once again eyeing the idea of a Shoal Creek flood control tunnel which would redirect floodwaters under Lamar Boulevard to Lady Bird Lake instead of overland and through the commercial district south of House Park.
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Is Too Much Water Going Down the Drain?
After last year’s historic drought resulting in extremely low lake levels, when the rains do come, often as flood events, can Austin not only manage the storm water, but possibly save it?
Read MoreDucks in the Desert
Shoal Creek is a waterfowl wasteland. The creek is too narrow and the water is either nonexistent or too shallow. Wood ducks do nest in the cavities in old trees along the creek, but otherwise Shoal Creek is a duck desert. But, you can still see ducks in or near Shoal Creek, you just need visit the headwaters or its mouth.
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